Workshop: Critical Perspectives on Data Series /
Workshop: Reimagining Critical Thinking: Integrating AI and Data in Sociology Assignments
Workshop Description:
The purpose of this workshop is to present the Sociology Assessment Data for Critical Thinking (AY 2023-24) and entertain critical perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be part of a hands-on workshop to develop two signature assignments for the Introduction to Sociology Assessment of critical thinking.
Requirements: Please bring your own laptop. Experience with AI required, we will use ChatGPT.
Pre-registration required.
Time: 2:30pm
Urban Data Analytics_Resources_Institutions and Centers
Sage Publications Critical Thinking and Global Democracy Bootcamp
Workshop Objectives:
Objective 1: To critically examine the data obtained during Sociology Assessment of Critical Thinking AY 2023-24 in the Introduction to Sociology course.
Objective 2: Address and understand critical perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in Higher Education.
Objective 3: Collaboratively develop two signature assignments for Introduction to Sociology utilizing AI and other resources available.